Clover and I were playing yesterday and in the middle of cooing and laughing a new noise came out. She looked very surprised, like "was that me?" She's been practicing this new noise all morning and I was lucky enough to catch it on tape. It almost sounds like she's upset, but I assure you she's having great time!
May 30, 2009
I can make a new sound!
May 28, 2009
May 27, 2009
Memorial Day Weekend at Lake Chelan
I have been going to Lake Chelan with my girlfriends over Memorial Day Weekend for about 8 years now. Over the years the group has grown to include boyfriends, fiances, husbands, and now kids! This was the first year with a baby, which definitely changed the dynamic of the weekend, but in a good way.
The weather was great and the LePages have a big pool, so we took Clover swimming for the first time. She loved the water and did great! It was so much fun to watch her enjoy herself, and she looked so cute in her little bathing suit.
I'll post a video soon!
Labels: Lake Chelan, swimming
May 20, 2009
Midnight snack
Another video...still not edited. This was from a few nights ago when Clover had woken up in the middle of the night to eat. Michael was still up printing shirts and was coming in for a snack when I came down to feed Clover. Don't mind Michael's ridiculous commentary, haha!
Chatty Cathy
This video is from yesterday morning. Clover is always in such a good mood in the mornings and has a lot to say! It's a little long, so bare with me....I haven't learned how to edit videos yet.
May 17, 2009
A girl after my own heart.
I had last week off of work so I took advantage of only having one baby and tried to get some shopping done. On Tuesday I met up with my friends Megan and McKenzie. McKenzie also brought her 1 1/2 year old son Jackson. We headed into Seattle for some shopping and had a great time. Clover behaved perfectly and sat in the stroller taking it all in. When she was hungry she let me know and I handed her a bottle which she fed to herself and then fell asleep on her own.
This was also the week of our neighborhood garage sale. My neighbor Christy and I put the girls (Christy has a daughter named Sydney who is 2 weeks older than Clover) in the strollers and spent almost an entire day garage sale shopping! It was so much fun and the girls had a good time. We both found quite a few good deals on toys for the girls.
I love having a little shopping buddy :)
Oh yeah, and Clover turned 4 months old on Friday. I can't believe it!
Now she can hold a toy and bring it to her mouth, she can also flail it around and hit herself in the head, haha.....that really confuses her. She can roll from her belly to her back and is trying very hard to role from her back to her belly. She can hold her own bottle...for the most part...sometimes she chooses not too. She loves to talk and laugh and has been watching me very intently when I eat. They say that when babies do this they are about ready to start solids. We're going to hold off until 6 months though.
See, look what I can do!
Clover riding around on Mommy and wearing one of her new bibs from Great G&G Paul. Boy do she need them too. She is a drooling machine these days.
This is Clover's friend Cruz. Aren't they so cute together! It looks like they are trying to hold hands, haha :)
Playing on the floor on a hot summer day. Like most babies, Clover loves to be naked! She is drooling so much now. We could have used one of her new bibs here....instead we just got that blanket fully saturated, mmmmm
Finally the weather is nice and Clover can start wearing some of her sundresses.
This is Clover's friend Peyton that I watch during the week. The girls love to play together on the floor. They are really starting to interact with each other and it's so cute to watch them play.
May 6, 2009
Big girl bed already?
Clover has been a busy girl! I meant to update last week but the time just got away from me.
Clover has officially made the transition into her crib in her own room. I think it was a lot harder for me than it was for her. I had been putting her to sleep swaddled up in her swing chair while she was sick to help with drainage since she was so congested. She was still dealing with some of that when we moved her into her room I stacked a few books underneath the legs of one side of her crib so that she was propped up when she slept and could still drain. It seems to work because she is sleeping great now and only waking one or twice a night for about 15-30 minutes just to eat. Clover is really starting to like to play on the floor well with her toys and loves to sit up like a big girl! Of course she still loves her Jumperoo too!
I was cooking dinner one night and brought the Jumperoo into the kitchen so Clover could keep me company. I stuck charlies bed/pillow under her feet to give her a little traction on the wood floor and when I turned around a few minutes later this is what I found....what a little stinker! I guess he showed me, haha!
Playing on the floor with Daddy. Can you tell she adores him?!
Clover all wrapped up after a bath. Have I mentioned that she LOVES the bath?!
Posing for the camera like the little ham that she is :) Also sporting her first piece of jewelry that her Auntie Jackie sent her. It even says her name! Thanks Auntie Jackie :)