Aug 21, 2009

Megann's Wedding

A couple weeks ago one of my best friends Megann got married!! The wedding was at a beautiful beach house on Fox Island in Gig Harbor. Michael, Clover and I spent the whole day at the house on Saturday while all of us girls got ready. Here are some pictures from the big day! My friend McKenzie, who is an amazing photographer, also took some pictures of Clover that turned out really well.

Clover's first Coke! Well, not really....but she sure did like the cold glass agaist her gums.

This was taken down at the beach the night before the wedding. Megann (the Bride) is in the middle. Even Clover got in on the jumping :)

I just ordered this picture to fill the 16 x 21 inch frame we have above the fire place.

I really love this picture of us. I think I need to get this developed too!