May 23, 2010

Clover's 15-18 Month Well-Child Visit

Clover's best appointment to date! She didn't cry at all while Dr. Thuot examined her, which is a first, so I'm very proud of her. She got a book to take home for being so well behaved :)

Height: 2' 8.25"
Weight: 24 lb 1 oz
BMI: 16.27
Head Circ: 18.7"

61st percentile in weight
87th percentile in length
85th percentile head circumference

Unfortunately Clover also got three shots and wasn't a happy camper for those :( She calmed down pretty quickly though. About four hours later she woke up in the middle of her nap screaming and grabbing at one of her legs. It took me an hour of rocking and cuddling after a dose of Motrin to get her calm and back to sleep. There weren't any other issues after that.