May 29, 2010

A visit from Auntie and Uncle

Clover's Uncle Brian, Aunt Valerie and Cousins Eddie and Otis drove up from California a few weeks ago. The last time we saw them was our trip to Oregon in the Fall. Clover has changed so much since then and had a blast reconnecting. I'm not sure we'll ever get the sound of "uhhh, uhhhh, puppy" out of our heads though, ha! Clover spent most of her time following the dogs around the the house saying those words. Uncle Brian also introduced Clover to her first Nerd Rope, which for those of you wondering, it's only the best gas station candy treat around. A delicious candy rope dipped in nerds.....Willy Wonka, you have really outdone yourself this time! Needless to say, it was a hit. I'm not sure which was more entertaining, watching a wide eyed Clover gobble up every last parcel or witnessing what resembled a tipsy toddler for the hour following. It was a great trip and we miss them already!