Feb 15, 2009

Baby acne is not teenage acne...DUH!

Clover is getting some pretty bad baby acne. A friend of mine told me that her doctor prescribed some cream when her baby’s acne got bad so I thought I’d give that a try. Unfortunately our regular doctor was out of the office so our appointment was with some guy who looked like he hadn’t handled a baby in years. He also looked like Kernel Sanders, HA! He thought it was important to inform us that Clovers acne was different then teenage acne. Thanks buddy, because I was concerned I gave birth to a 13 year old until you just told me that. *eyes roll*
Maybe that’s not obvious though; so for those of you who don’t know what baby acne is let me enlighten you. During the final moments of pregnancy, a mothers hormones cross the placenta into the baby stimulating the oil glands in their skin and eventually causing baby acne.
Anyway, we left the office with a prescription for Hydrocortisone cream, which in my opinion was a waste of time.
Since then I’ve been doing research on line for different home remedies that might help clear her acne up. Most of what I found was to wash her face with mild soap twice a day and to wipe her face with a wet cloth after each feeding.
I have a friend from India who always seems to have home remedies for these types of things so I thought I’d see what she had to say. She recommends Chickpea Flour (also called Basen). You mix it with a bit of water to form a paste and then wash her face with that once or twice a day. I’m off to Mayuri our local Indian market to purchase some. I’ll let you know how it goes!